How to Sort or Filter your Contact List

Search for one specific contact or create lists of contacts based on the criteria you define

ShinePages Support

Last Update 2 месяца назад

As you start to collect Contacts in your system, you will find the ability to sort, organize and pull lists easy using the "Filter" function. 

From the CONTACTS tab - click on the "Add Filter" button to be able to filter your contacts based on a number of CRM properties, including name, email, tag, etc.  

If you collected this information from your contact's within your opt-in Forms, or within your Booking Widgets, Checkout Widgets, etc. you will be able to use that property as a filter.  

(Note: You also can create NEW CRM properties for your forms and use those as a filter search as well) 

When filtering based on any "free type" type of properties - such as NAME, EMAIL, etc. - you may want to select "contains" or "starts with" instead of "is" as the search parameters: 

See the video below for further instructions on sorting and filtering your Contact List: 

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