How to add existing contacts into an automation

Automations will only capture "new" people who meet the trigger criteria. Here's how to add existing contacts into the flow

ShinePages Support

Last Update hace 2 años

Note: If you are using a tag to trigger an automation flow - it will only trigger for those with that tag newly added to their contact profile AFTER the automation flow is turned on.

If you have a number of contacts/subscribers in your system with "Tag X" for example, and then you create an automation trigger based on "New Tag Added: Tag X" and turn it on - these existing Tag X contacts won't be added to the automation because it is looking only for CONTACTS who are also SUBSCRIBERS and also have TAG X newly ADDED to their profile from the start of the Automation.

Again, only those new subscribers - or those who have a new "Tag X" added to their contact record will start the automation.

To capture any existing "Tag x" contacts and get them into the automation flow - you can either:

1) Create a new tag (Tag Y for example)

2) Set up the Automation Trigger for both Tag X AND Tag Y

3) Add Tag Y to that group of people (make sure they are Subscribers as well)

- OR - you can REMOVE Tag X for these contacts and then add it back AFTER the Automation has been turned on.

Another option is creating a new List and adding all those with a specific tag to that list (do this after turning on an Automation with a Trigger of "Added to a List").

To add people with a specific tag to a list:

1) Go to the CONTACTS tab

2) "Add Filter" at the top and search by "Tag" - select the tag you want.

3) Once you have the list of all contacts with that tag showing on the screen, "select all" by checking the open circle at the top of the list.

4) From the "More" button at the top, drop down to "Add Contacts To List"

5) Select the List you would like to add these tagged contacts to. 

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