How to Automatically Add A Tag To a Contact

Who takes some sort of ACTION on your pages - ie: filling out a form, quiz, or survey, making a purchase, or booking an appointment.

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Tags are very useful markers to sort, organize and filter your contacts. See this article: How to Sort or Filter your Contact List

In addition, Tags can be used as triggers to kick off emails & automations to those Contacts who are also Subscribers*, as well as determine which steps they will receive within an automation flow. See this article: Creating an Automation Flow

(*Note: "Subscribers" are Contacts who were connected/added to an Email List, making them eligible to receive Emails via the ShinePages Emails & Automations feature)

How To Automatically add Tags:

Typically, Tags are set up to be added to a contact upon that person taking some sort of ACTION on your pages - ie: filling out a form, quiz, or survey, making a purchase, or booking an appointment.

To ensure that each of these actions marks your Contact with the tag you'd like, you will create or add the tag in the "Settings" area of each:  

-Form widget

-Quiz widget

-Checkout widget or Store Checkout Page

-Membership Registration or Login widget

-Upsell or Downsell funnel step

-Booking widget on your pages.  

-In addition you can set a tag for each Product in your Store so that when your Contact purchases that specific Product, that Product's Tag will be applied to their Contact Record.

EXAMPLE 1: Adding Tags via Forms or Quizzes:

-To get to the "Settings" area of any Form, click on the form or quiz widget on the page, then from the small black toolbar that appears, click the gear icon to open the Form Settings window. Scroll to the bottom to "Tag Contacts on new message". Start typing to view a list of existing tags or simply finish typing to add your new tag.

See this article for more information: Form Settings & How to Set Up Forms

EXAMPLE 2: Adding Tags via Checkouts:

-If you are using the main STORE Checkout - you will first go to the STORE Tab > Layout & Styling > Checkout Page > Edit With Builder. Once on that page, you may see a "Your Cart is Empty" message. This is the "Store Checkout Widget" - Click anywhere on this widget once to get the mini menu to pop up, then click the gear icon to get to the Settings of your Store Checkout. Scroll to the bottom to "Tag Contacts On New Order" 

Note that if using your one main Store Checkout - you may want to keep your Tag names fairly "generic" (such as "Buyer", "Purchaser" or "Customer") since ALL purchases of any products will go thru this checkout page. 

See this article for more information: Store Checkout Page Overview (System Store Checkout)

-If you are using the Checkout Widget (GLOW Plan and above) - click on the checkout widget on the page, then click the gear icon to open the Checkout's Settings window. Scroll to the bottom to "Tag Contacts on new Order":

Note that as each Checkout Widget can be specified to sell a specific product or products (vs. the Main Store Checkout which would be the one checkout for ALL products) you can get more specific in your Tag Names if you would like. 

See this article for more information: Freestanding Checkout Widget

EXAMPLE 3 - Adding Tags via Booking Widgets

-After you create Booking Events in your APPOINTMENTS tab, you will need to add a "Booking Widget" to a page (or pages) to allow your visitors to book online with you.

Click once on the Booking Widget on the page to get the mini-menu to pop up. From there hit the "EDIT" button to get to the Booking Widget's settings. Scroll to the bottom of that window to "Tag Contacts on New Booked Session"

See this article for more information: Booking Overview

EXAMPLE 4 - Adding Tags via Products purchased

-To add a tag to your contact based on which Product they purchase, you will set up a Tag within the Product itself under your STORE.  From the black bar at the top of each page, click "Store" - then click Products and then click the name of your Product to get into the Product set-up page. 

-Once in the Product set-up page, scroll all the way to the bottom to access the "Tags" box. Click "Edit Tags" to open the list of Tags. Select an Existing tag or use the "Add Tag" button at the bottom of the window to create and then select a new Tag.  Click Confirm to confirm your Tag (or Tags) selections.

-Make sure to click "Save" at the bottom of the Product set-up page to save your changes. 

NOTE: To get the most out of your contacts list - and to be able to fully utilize all of the options available to you with segmenting, emailing, and triggering automation. We highly recommend using tags and setting them up within the "settings" of ALL form widgets, checkouts, quizzes, surveys, funnel upsells & downsells and booking widgets on your pages, in addition to your Products. 

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