New CRM Contact Record / Profile Interface

Our New CRM Contact Profiles now display a detailed history of user actions (e.g. opening emails, submitting forms, orders, bookings) and admin activities, organized chronologically and filterable.

ShinePages Support

Last Update 3 months ago

Welcome to the new Contact Record screen! 

- You can view any one of your Contact’s Profiles from within the “CONTACTS” tab and also by subscribers within the “EMAILS & AUTOMATIONS” tab “Lists & Subscribers” and filter accordingly to find them.

- To access the Contact Profile - simply click on their name and their profile window will open up.

Once you’re inside, you will see the full profile and the “Activity” menu and “ALL” sub-menu tab below that will auto preview.

Let’s Break it down:


Subscribe - you can see if the contact is a subscriber or not:

  • Have the ability to manually Check to make subscriber or Un-check to unsubscribe them here.

Delete - Have the ability to manually delete contact:

Membership - you can see which member group/s they belong to and their last login date:

  • Have the ability to manually remove them from a member group or add them to a member group here.
  • Have the ability to Reset their Password.

 (Reminder - if you remove a contact from their or all of their member groups - they will not be able to access the content set for that specific member group - they will however be allocated to the “Basic Member Group” and have access to their “Member Details”).

Standard Properties 

Tags - you can see the tags they have been allocated:

  • Have the ability to manually delete a tag or add a tag to the record here.



As Admin - these menu items give you a breakdown of actions taken and can be clicked on and give you more of a comprehensive backend view (all except for the ability to click on emails sent that you can access in “Activity” All or Emails)

Activity I Notes I Forms I Orders I Subscriptions I Marketing Appointments

1) MAIN MENU - Activity - has a sub-menu listing a quick overview of the actions taken by your contact.

Activity Sub Menus:

All I Emails I Messages I Orders I Appointments I Forms I Other 

ALL (Activity Sub-menu 1): You have a view of the history of ALL the actions set by yourself and actions that the user has taken. You can also click on the email actions and open them.

On the right hand side - you can see a history of the actions that YOU as an admin of the website itself have set:

  • Forms, purchases, bookings etc. that have been taken. Ie:

Tags added

Email lists added and Subscribing them

Memberships added

Emails sent

  • Manual changes you’ve made to contact ie:

Tags add or removed

Lists added or removed

Unsubscribed or unsubscribed


On the left hand side - you can see the actions made by the USER, for example: 

  • Opening an email, clicking on an email link, submitting an order, submitting a form, booking an appointment, Unsubscribed etc.

Here - Aside from just having the ability to see which email has been sent to this contact and emails that have been opened and click to open by the contact - by clicking on the email as per below:

EMAILS (Activity Sub-menu 2): A View of all emails sent by admin and actions user has taken. As per above: Aside from just having the ability to see which email has been sent to this contact and emails that have been opened and click to open by the contact - by clicking on the email:

ORDERS (Activity Sub-menu 3): A quick view of all orders placed:

APPOINTMENTS (Activity Sub-menu 4): A quick view of all appointments made.

FORMS (Activity Sub-menu 5): A quick view of all forms completed.

OTHER (Activity Sub-menu 6): A quick view of all actions ie, tags added / removed, subscribed / unsubscribed, member groups added / removed, lists added etc.


MAIN MENU Continued:

2) MAIN MENU - Notes - the ability to add multiple notes as well as the ability to edit them with the editor.

Now - different admins can add different notes and each one will have their own time stamp with the user interface username - so it's easy to see who left the note when they left it. Great communication between teams if you have multiple admins working with different contacts.

3) MAIN MENU - Forms: A view of all forms submitted.

  • Click thru to see more info. 

4) MAIN MENU - Orders: A view of all orders placed.

  • Click thru to see more info. 

You will see the new updated design of the orders as well to match the CRM

5) MAIN MENU - Subscriptions: A view of all payment subscriptions / recurring payments in your store.

  • Click thru to see more info.

6) MAIN MENU - Marketing: An overview of emails sent, opened, clicked etc.

View of the email lists allocated to contact and the ability to ADD a new list or DELETE a list

7) MAIN MENU - Appointments: View of pending appointments

  • Click on "Show Details" to see more info on the booking


Here is an example of a contact record that has booked an appointment:

The history of all the actions from the time that the contact booked their appointment to receiving and completing the automation set for this (incl. exact dates and times of the actions).

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