Question: When someone fills out a Form on my Site - where does their information go?

Question: When someone fills out a Form on my Site - where does their information go?

It is likely that your template came with one or more Forms on it - to collect information from your site visitors. Sometimes we have people ask "where do I see the information that someone filled out in my form?"

The answer is that you can see this information in a few places: 1) in your email Inbox, 2) in your "Messages" area under your CONTACTS tab and 3) in the user's account information under "CONTACTS" 

ONE: In Your Email InBox

1) If you have checked the box to "Notify me on new form submission" and added your email address to the "Send Notification To" area of the Form's Settings - you will get an email notification in your in-box every time someone fills out the form. :)

(Note: to get to the Form's Settings window - click on the form on the page once, then click on the Gear/Cog Icon that appears in the mini-menu)

TWO: In your Messages Area under CONTACTS

If you click the "Contacts" tab in the black bar along the top of your screen, then click on the 2nd icon down on the left (the "inbox" icon), you will get to your "Messages" area.

From there you can select to see "ALL" forms that have responses submitted on your site, or drop down and select only a certain form*.

Note that only forms with responses submitted will show up in this drop down list of forms.

*As you can see, it is important that each of the forms on your site are named appropriately within the Form Settings Window, so that you can easily differentiate between forms when searching for messages using the drop down.

You can export ALL form responses, or only those selected form's responses using the small pink cloud icon with a down arrow to open within excel.  

THREE: With the user's account record within the CONTACTS Tab

From your list of contacts on the main screen of your "Contacts" tab - you will be able to see the tags that have been assigned to each.

If you have set your tags within your Form Settings Window - you will be easily able to identify contacts that have filled out various forms on your site.

If you click the name of the contact, you will open that contact's account record.

From there you can click on "Form Submits" to see the various forms this contact has completed. Click the name of the form to see their responses.

From the contact's record, you can also see other actions this contact may have taken such as purchases made, memberships they belong to, tags, etc.  

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