How To Edit & Add Form Fields

Our Forms Fields can be edited to not only collect basic CRM properties, but also collect information in the form of questions that require an answer.

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Click on the form widget and a mini-menu will appear, then click on the “EDIT FIELDS” button.

You are now in “Form Fields” window:


Click on the pencil icon.

These are the following fields that can be edited:

- Description - If you would like to add some extra wording under the Field Name.

- Placeholder - This will appear in the box in a light colour if you choose not to name the field above the box.

- Map to CRM Property - This is very important. It will match with the contact property in your CRM. Click on the dropdown and select the matching CRM property there.

- Add Prefix Icon - This is optional, check the circle and then click on the grey area, this will show all the icons and you can select from there. If you don’t want the icon option, uncheck the circle.

- Required Field - Check the circle if this field is mandatory for your user to complete. This would normally apply to name and email and any other fields that are important to you. The user will not be able to submit their form without the “required field” filled in.


Click on the + button and the window with all our predefined properties will show.

Click on the field you would like to add and it will appear in your form, then go and edit them accordingly as per the above instructions.

Please see our related article below (see bottom of page) on how to add “Accept Terms & Conditions to your Forms" (with a clickable link) in your form” AND related article below on "How to add a NEW CRM PROPERTY".

Under Common Fields, you have the following options of collecting data from your users:

- “Text” and “Text Area” Fields. Selecting 1 of these 2 fields will give you the option of typing whatever you want in the field. Once you’ve added the field - highlight over the wording and enter your wording.

- “Select” Field. Gives you the option of asking a question, your users will click on the dropdown arrow and select one of the options/answers you have set for them. Add the field, edit the name then click on the pencil and enter the answer wording "Options" there.

- “Radio Button” Field. Buttons are all visible on the form and are used when there is a list of two or more options and the user must select one choice. Add the field, edit the name then click on the pencil and enter the answer wording "Options".

- “Checkbox” Field. Checkboxes are all visible on the form and are used when there are lists of options and the user may select by checking any number of choices. Add the field, edit the name then click on the pencil and enter the answer wording "Options".

- “Date” Field. Ask a question ie. What is your preferred date? User will click and find their date in the dropdown calendar.

- “File” Field. You could ask your users to upload a document / image. They click on “choose file” and they can upload files from their device.

- “Google reCaptcha” Field.

- “Section" Field. Adds a section where you enter some information at the bottom or anywhere on the form.

If your form is starting to look a bit long you can edit the size of the fields by making them 1/2 width ie. Two fields one 1 line. Or change back to full width by clicking the "2 arrows icon"  (resize) on the right hand side of each field.

To move the fields around in the order you would like them - click on the icon with 6 dots (move) on the lefthand side of each field and drag it up or down to place it accordingly.

You can also delete a field by clicking on the trashcan icon (delete).

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