Add “Accept Terms & Conditions” to your FORMS

ShinePages Support

Last Update hace un año

Click on the form - then click “Edit Fields”.
In the “Form Fields" window - click on the + button.
In the "CRM Properties” window - click on “Accept Terms”.
You'll be back in the "Edit form questions" window - click on the pencil to edit the new "Accept Terms" field. Under “Description” type in the wording for this. Check “Required Field” - then it “Save”.

To add the link to your “Terms & Conditions” page, highlight over your wording in the "Description wording” then click on the paperclip icon on the right hand side of the black mini popup window.

In the “Select a Link” window, click on “Page” or “Funnel” (depending on what you’re working on) and then in the "Page Group” click on “Pages” in the dropdown. Underneath “Page” or “Funnel Step” click on the dropdown arrow and select your “Terms & Conditions” page or step. Under “Open In” click on the dropdown and select “New Tab”. Click on the “SELECT” button and hit SAVE.

This will allow your users to view the Terms & Conditions by clicking on the wording and view them when asked to check Terms and Conditions in the booking process.

You will see it now in your form and you’re good to go.

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