Widget Overview: Button Widget

You can add the button widget to any of your pages and link it to a product, another page, a popup, a funnel, an external page etc.

ShinePages Support

Last Update hace 3 meses

To add the Button widget to your page - click on the Widgets icon + - select the Button widget and drag it onto your page.

Once you’ve added the widget to your page - the Button Settings will open. This is where you will:

  • Add the Button Text
  • Edit the Text Styling
  • Add a second line of Text
  • Add an Icon
  • Add the Link “Open on Click”

Or - you can click on “Add Link” with the 📎 icon which will open the “Select a Link” window. Here you will select where users will be directed.

Please see this article with more information on “Select a Link

Set the alignment of the Button by clicking on the icon with 3 lines:

Style the Button by clicking on the paintbrush icon:

Within the mini black menu you can also:


- Animate the button. Please see this article: Animations

- Copy the button 

- Delete the button

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