Issue: Emails Limited due to "Poor Reputation"

What to do if you see this error message and your emailing ability has been paused.

ShinePages Support

Last Update 4 ay önce

We understand that it can be alarming to see the message that your emails are "limited due to poor reputation" - however, in most cases this can be cleared up quickly.  


Your subscribers may not even know that their email system's settings are "flagging" your emails or producing "complaints" against your emails.  It could be a sensitive setting that has been triggered. 

What To Do FIRST: 

When you see this notice, please email with answers to the following questions: 

1. How do you collect leads and contacts?

2. Do you obtain explicit consent from your contacts allowing you to contact them later? How do you get that consent?

3. What kind of emails do you send?

4. How often do you send emails?

5. Do you know the reason for the elevated bounce rate (number of invalid emails)?

6. Have you received a complaint email notification?

The SECOND Thing To Do:

1) Take screenshots of the "Overview" of your campaign for your records.

2) Duplicate the campaign / s you sent (that have since created this issue) 

3) Delete the original campaign / campaigns.


In general, it is very important to practice good "list hygiene" and keep your email lists clean and full of subscribers that have given consent to receive emails.  Maintaining good list hygiene will help reduce the bounce rate and make it less likely for your email sending account to be flagged or restricted.

Please see these important related articles: 

- Tips and Best Practices for Email Marketing: How to keep your emails out of Spam and Promotional Folders

- Why Do We Review or Limit Email Accounts

- Limits on First Email Sends: "Campaign Can't Be Sent" Error Message



TO SET IN YOUR EMAIL BRAND DETAILS (once you've verified your email) The Company Name and the Company Address fields you set here will auto populate in the footer of all of your emails.

CAN/SPAM ACT RULES:Your message must include your VALID physical postal address. This can be your current street address, a post office box you've registered with the U.S. Postal Service / Your Country's Postal Service, or a private mailbox you've registered with a commercial mail receiving agency established under Postal Service regulations.

Toggle from "Domains" to "Brand Details" at the top of the screen to set or CORRECT your:

- Company Name- Company Address for CAN/SPAM laws (please see below for more info on this)- Default Sender Name - Default Email address - for campaigns and automations- Default System Email address - for system emails

Please see this article for more information on this: 

Email Setup - Connecting Your Domain and Set Your Brand Details For Email Marketing Sending

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