Issue: A Block I added or editing is showing up on every page

How to remove a block from the footer.

ShinePages Support

Last Update hace un año

It is possible to mistakenly add a block in the "Footer" of a page. When this happens, instead of the block appearing on the page you want - it appears on every page.

Here's how to fix this:

Step 1:

Check to see if the block that is appearing on every page is indeed in your "Footer". Everything below the dashed line and the "Footer" label toward the top left of the block will be included in your footer.

Step 2:

Navigate to the page you ACTUALLY want this block to appear on, using the pages list (three stacked lines icon at the top of the left-hand navigation). Once you are on the page where you wish the block to appear, scroll down to the footer of that page.

Step 3:

Place your mouse anywhere inside of the block within the footer in order to see the hover menu appear in the upper right-hand corner of the block. Use the Up Arrow that appears in this mini-menu (see below) to move the block "Up" and OUT of the footer (ie: above the dashed "footer line" and "Footer" label.

Note: You may have to click "up" several times to get it out of the footer, depending on the order of blocks within your footer. Continue using the Up and Down arrows to position the block where you want it to appear on that page. 

Step 4:

Once the block is positioned properly on the page you'd actually like it on - hit SAVE. (upper right corner of your screen in the black bar on top)

Step 5:

Navigate away from this page to any other page of your website where that block was appearing.

Scroll down to the footer and hover over the word "Block" in the upper left-hand corner of the block you wish to permanently remove from the Footer.

DELETE this block by clicking the "trash can" icon in the mini-menu that appears upon hovering over the word "Block".

You have now successfully placed the block on the page you'd like it to appear and have deleted it from the footer. The block should no longer appear on every page. 

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