Help! My Site Says "Not Secure" / Doesn't show the "Lock symbol" π
What to do when your site is Active but the SSL Certificate hasn't activated
ShinePages Support
Last Update setahun yang lalu
Hooray! You've connected your domain and your site is live!
But why does it say "Not Secure" in the URL bar?Β

The reason a site would show the "Not Secure" message is because the SSL Certificate has not yet been activated for some reason.
Note - all ShinePages websites and funnels come with a free SSL Certificate that is automatically added and activated once your A record and CNAME record have been properly updated in your DNS records.Β
Troubleshooting Tip #1:
Sometimes, it's just a matter of timing. It CAN take 24-48 hours for the DNS settings to completely propagate across the servers. (However, we have found that it's usually closer to a few hours)
Until this has happened, the SSL Certificate cannot activate. If you JUST connected your site - please give it a little time to show the "lock" symbol and for the "not secure" message to go away.
If, however, it has been longer than 48hours since you connected your domain and you are STILL seeing the "Not Secure" message - this means there was an issue with the way your DNS records were updated. Go to Troubleshooting Tip #2 >
Troubleshooting Tip #2:
Double-Check CNAME Record set up within your DNS records area.
In the record/line with the TYPE of "CNAME" and the HOST/NAME of "www" - edit the "VALUE" field to read: "" (insert your actual domain name)
If there is no CNAME record with "www" in the host/name field - click the button to "ADD" a record - choose CNAME from the drop down list, type in www for the "host/name" and as the "value")
There may be more than one CNAME record. Only edit the one with the "www" in the "Host" or "Name" column.
For this CNAME Field - please type only your domain name as shown. See example:
Again, make sure that there aren't other A and CNAME records with the same "Names".
Once the CNAME record has been edited or added properly, your SSL Cert will activate within 24-48 hours and you should no longer see the "not secure" message and will instead see the "lock" symbol.

TO CHECK YOUR DNS RECORDS without logging into your Domain Registrar - follow the instructions in this article on SSL Certificates