Error Message: "You have exceeded the booking operator limit for your plan"

ShinePages Support

Last Update hace 12 días

When trying to upgrade to a paid ShinePages plan OR downgrading to a lower plan, you may run into this message if you have more "Operators" added to your APPOINTMENTS tab than are allocated within the pricing plan you are trying to select.


Troubleshooting Tip 1:

Go to the APPOINTMENTS tab at the top of your screen. 

Under the header "Booking & Appointments" on the left side of the screen, click the word "Operators" and DELETE any Operators that you do not need by clicking the Settings button next to the name of the Operator - then clicking Delete at the bottom of the window that opens. (see below).

Note - some templates come with a "test" or "dummy" operator that you can either edit to add your own - or simply delete and add yourself as a "new" operator. 

Please note that YOU are the operator, and for many solopreneurs - you will be the ONLY Operator needed. If you have additional team members or associates who also need to book appointments - please choose the right plan to allow for the correct number of operators needed:

Troubleshooting Tip 2:

Click on the "My Sites & Funnels" button at the top of the page to the right of the ShinePages logo. Toggle between Funnels & Websites at the top of the screen that pops up to see the list of Websites & Funnels in your account/project. 

If you have additional Websites or Funnels in your project (even if they are set to "Inactive"), click on the name of that other site (those other sites) to open it, and then go to the APPOINTMENTS tab at the top of that "other" site.

Using the steps as described above - DELETE out ALL "Operators" (even "Test" or "dummy" Operators that may have come with your Template) from this "backup" site or any additional sites you are not actively using in your account/project.

NOTE: The number of Operators you have is counted project-wide in terms of what is available to you on your pricing plan. Thus it is a good idea to remove ALL operators from any "backup" or "inactive" sites within your project/account.

This should solve your issue and you should now be able to upgrade to your desired paid plan. 

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