New! Abandoned Cart Tracking & Follow-up
Keep track of and convert abandoned carts into sales
ShinePages Support
Last Update 10 mesi fa
Now you can track your abandoned carts and set up automations to send follow-up emails to try and capture those sales. See video and instructions below:
Your system is default-set to track abandoned carts after 1 hour of inactivity, however, you can set it to a different time interval under STORE > GENERAL.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and you'll see a drop-down with different time intervals. You can also set it to "Do not track abandoned carts" if you'd like to turn off the tracking completely.
This is a view of the drop-down options:
You can view all of your Abandoned Carts under STORE > ORDERS > ABANDONED CARTS
Note that you can also select certain timeframes as well as select the whole store or specific funnels from the drop-down menu items at the top of the screen.
We have created a simple but powerful pre-made Abandoned Cart Sequence that you can use to quickly get this feature up and running.
**Please note that your Abandoned Cart Sequence will cover any and all inactive/Abandoned Carts from any Checkouts set to "Cart Checkout" .
Any checkouts set to "Product-Select" will not work with the Abandoned Cart feature.
To get started - click "Create New Sequence". You should see the option to Create a Blank Sequence or Create an Abandoned Cart Sequence
By clicking "Abandoned Cart Automation" you will open a pre-defined template that is fully customizable. Name your automation when prompted and next you will see the Abandoned Cart Automation Sequence.
You'll notice that the Trigger is pre-set to a new Trigger Option: "The contact abandons checkout/cart".
This Trigger is also an option to use when setting up new triggers on your own existing or new blank automations, should you choose not to use the given pre-made sequence. Note that there is only one Abandoned Cart Automation sequence per Site / per Store.**
The pre-made Sequence also comes with a "Goal" of: "Abandoned cart is recovered / completed". This means that at any time, if the visitor goes back to complete the purchase, they will be removed from the sequence and will not receive any remaining emails.
You'll want to edit the Emails to include your own logo and button color (and any other info you'll like to customize or edit) - however, we recommend keeping them fairly simple and basic to help increase conversion and to make them the most universal for all cases.
Within the Email Builder there is a new "Abandoned Cart" Block/Widget. This has been added into each of the three emails in the pre-built sequence.
This block will automatically display the items that were in the cart during the time of "Abandonment".
In addition the "Complete Your Order" buttons in each of the emails is pre-set to allow a quick and easy purchase, opening the standard System Store Checkout screen (NOT the page or funnel step that may have had a freestanding Checkout Widget) and displaying the products in the cart as it was when Abandoned.
When they complete their order - the sale will show up as coming thru your Store - not the individual Funnel that may have originally hosted your Freestanding Checkout Widget.
All checkouts are eligible to trigger the Abandoned Cart process - but the final checkout will always run thru the one System Store checkout process unless it is bypasses as outlined below.
If you'd like to bypass the Standard System Store Checkout and instead direct your potential customer to a Checkout step in a Funnel or on a separate website page (any page containing a freestanding Checkout Widget) - you can do so by editing the Link for this "Complete Your Order" Button within the email editor. Simply select the Page or the Funnel step you'd like it directed to instead from the Select a Link window.
(Just remember that if you bypass and redirect this "Complete Your Order" button to a new page - THIS will then be the button link/destination for ALL Abandoned Cart emails associated with your Store - regardless of which Checkout is used or what products are purchased**)
Continue to edit the Emails and the sequence overall as you see fit - and when you are ready - Turn it ON. This will automatically trigger the emails to start sending after the pre-set "inactive" time you had previously set under STORE > SETTING > GENERAL.
Note that regardless of whether the Automation has been turned on or not - or if emails are being sent or not, Abandoned Orders will still be tracked and available to view under STORE > ORDERS > ABANDONED CARTS
IMPORTANT NOTE - To understand the difference between "Abandoned Cart" AND “Incomplete Payment” in Stripe - please see this article: “Incomplete Payment" notices in Stripe