How to Add Your Store's Products to Facebook

Want to showcase your product on a Facebook (Meta) Shop? Here's how to submit your product feed to a Facebook Catalog

ShinePages Support

Last Update 2 年前

If you'd like your e-commerce store's products to appear on your Facebook Business "Shop" page, you'll need a few things to start: 

1) A Facebook Business page

2) Adherence to Facebook's e-commerce policies (read them HERE)

3) An item (or items) set up for sale in your ShinePages Store with a SKU assigned to each

4) A Facebook pixel that you have connected to your ShinePages account (see image)

Note: Adding your Facebook Pixel will generate a "product feed URL" which will follow this format:

(To illustrate requirement # 3:)

(To illustrate requirement #4:)

(See full instructions to link your Facebook Pixel in "related articles" below this article) 

Let's Begin:

Add a Data Source to your Facebook Commerce Manager

To start you will login to your Facebook Commerce Manager HERE

Click on your Catalog (or create one if you don't already have a Catalog set up) and from the next screen in Commerce Manager - Click "Add Items" if you see this button OR use the drop down arrow under the menu item "Catalog" on the left to get to the "Data Sources" screen. 

Choose Your Option 

Next you will select your preferred method to Add Items. 

Choose "Data Feed" (previously called "Bulk Upload") 

Upload Your Data

The next screen will ask if you are ready to upload your spreadsheet or file.  

(If you would like to upload via a spreadsheet vs. your data feed (ie: then you can get an example sent to you of how to create this spreadsheet.) 

Otherwise - click YES.

Choose Your Upload Method

Next you will be choosing how to upload your file.  As mentioned above - you can upload via a spreadsheet if you prefer - but to make it easier, you can upload directly from your ShinePages Store's Product feed URL.  

Select: "Use a URL"

Enter your product feed URL in the field on this screen.  Note that this will be formatted like:

Note that the prefix is: https://

If your URL is password protected, you can save login details below. Most are not and you can leave this area blank.

Schedule Updates

Next you will schedule your updates.  If you change your inventory frequently, you may want to select a shorter timespan to ensure that your Facebook catalog stays current. 

Confirm and Upload

Finally, on the last screen you will confirm that all of your information looks correct, then click the button to "Save Feed and Upload" 

Check your Catalog

The next screen will show you an overview of your feed and the items that have been added to your Catalog!  Please note that it can take a few minutes for your feed to get set up and imported properly.  

From this screen you can view the Overview, Items or Settings for your Data Source.  Check these to ensure your items have all loaded - then check your Facebook Page's public facing "Facebook Store" to see your items. :) 

Congrats on uploading your items to the Facebook Catalog! :)

Important Note: You may see an "error" when your products import that states that your products are missing the "google_product_category". This is only a warning and not an error, it doesn't block your products from properly importing. At the moment, we don't include Google Product Category in the product feed as you don't select one anywhere when setting up or editing your products. While this is not a blocker, we will actually introduce this ability with one of our next updates to the ShinePages Store module and this warning will clear. For now you should simply ignore the warning.

Moving Forward

With a product feed, your Facebook Catalog should be updated when you update your ShinePages store. 

However, if you ever wanted to manually add new items - you would go thru the same process - click on your Catalog inside of Facebook Commerce Manager - click "Add Items" and follow the steps.  

One additional step will ask you if you want to Update existing feed, replace it or create a new one.  

Disclaimer: These instructions are current as of the time of writing this article (8/2022), however Facebook/Meta FREQUENTLY makes changes to their process flow, options, names of their products/services and the look of their screens within Commerce Manager and Business Manager.  We provide this article as a courtesy to help our ShinePages users, however we are not affiliated with Facebook or Meta in any way and we are not Facebook/Meta experts. While we can provide you with a product feed link (ie: - it is your responsibility to take that link and work with Facebook's instructions to connect it properly. 

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