Sending a Booking Confirmation Email
ShinePages Support
Last Update há 2 anos
To send a booking confirmation email to the person who books an appointment with you, check the button next to the line at the bottom of the first page of the booking event set-up that says:
"Send an email to the client with details about their meeting when a new appointment is made."
With this checked and turned on, your client will receive a booking confirmation email.
If you use Zoom for your meetings - you can add your personal meeting zoom link into the "Location" field on this screen. This will send the zoom link to your appointment booker.
You can also "hide" this zoom link from the public-facing calendar booking widget on your pages following these steps:
1) Go to the page where you have added or want to add a booking calendar on your site.
2) Either ADD the booking widget to the page and select the booking event to display (if not already on the page) OR click the booking widget once to get the "edit" button to appear.
3) From the Settings window - click to "change" the "Summary Styling" area.
4) From the Summary Styling window - uncheck the line that says "show the event location on the summary screen".
5) Save the page when finished. Check to ensure it the zoom link is not appearing by "previewing" your page - (use the eyeball icon on the left menu to preview)