Installing Facebook / Meta Pixel

ShinePages Support

Last Update 2 tahun yang lalu

Facebook Pixel helps you track events on your website or funnel, enabling you to optimize your advertising campaigns and make your Facebook ads more relevant to your audience.

With our native Facebook Pixel integration you can track the following events:

PageView - triggered on every page view

Lead - triggered on new lead - when a form is submitted, or an appointment is made

AddToCart - triggered when a product is added to the cart (passing the product title, price, currency, and quantity)

InitiateCheckout - triggered when someone initiates a checkout (i.e. visits a checkout page), passing the order total, currency, and the order items

Purchase - triggered when checkout (or an upsell / down-sell) is completed

ViewContent - triggered when a visitor visits a product in your store. The ViewContent event is especially useful for delivering personalized ads to your customers.

CompleteRegistration - triggered when a visitor creates an account in your website or funnel

If you added the Facebook Pixel code manually from the Custom Code Area on your website, you'll need to remove it to use the native integration. Removing the custom code won't have any negative effect on your data on Facebook, as long as you enable the native integration.

Setting Up Your Facebook Pixel

To enable Facebook Pixel on your website, click on your Website Settings (cog/gear wheel on the left-hand menu in the Builder) and select Applications. Select the Facebook Pixel app.

Add your Facebook Pixel ID, click on SAVE AND VERIFY.

If you don't have a Facebook Pixel already, follow instructions from the Meta Business Help Center to set up and install a Meta Pixel. CLICK HERE for instructions directly from Meta.

Please note that Meta/Facebook may change it's instructions on this at any time. If the link above is not working, please email us at so that we can update the link to the correct Meta instructions. We are not affiliated with Meta or Facebook and cannot provide instruction or guidance on using or navigating the Meta Business Suite, Ads Manager, Events Manager, etc. 

Setting Up The Facebook Conversions API

Facebook Conversions API (formerly known as Facebook Server-Side API) is a Facebook Tool that lets you share key web events, or customer actions, directly from our servers to Facebook without relying on the customer browser.

Facebook Conversions API works with your Facebook Pixel to help improve the performance and measurement of your Facebook ad campaigns. This is all done without having to rely on browser-based tools like cookies.

Nowadays, websites with third-party trackers will have to adapt since consumer privacy laws become stricter. Tracking browser events is becoming harder and much more unreliable due to ad blockers or privacy settings. The Conversions API can help bypass these issues while still providing key information to keep your social media marketing campaigns on point.

It's highly recommended to enable the Facebook Conversions API!

You will be prompted to enter an Access Token to use with the API.

To obtain one:

-Visit your Facebook Pixel

-Go to Settings

-Scroll down to the Conversions API area.

-Under "set up manually" you should click on Get Started or Generate Access Token.

-Copy the generated token and paste it into your website settings:

That's it! Save the Facebook settings and you're done - events will be automatically reported from now on.

Keep in mind that events triggered on your website take about 20 minutes to show in your pixel stats.

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