How to Email only Active Members of your Course or Membership

How to use Email SEGMENTS to dynamically generate a list of Email Subscribers who are Active Members of a Member Group

ShinePages Support

Last Update há 3 meses

Want to email JUST the ACTIVE Members (of your online course, hub or membership)? Use Email SEGMENTS to dynamically ensure that you create an email-able list that will automatically include new Members AND automatically remove people who have been removed or cancelled from your Member Group/Online course, etc.

Watch the video below to see how to set up this dynamically-generated Segment of Active Members Subscribers - while also getting an overview of the difference and role of Contacts, Members, Subscribers and more. 

Please note:

Just because someone is a MEMBER of a Member Group, does not necessarily mean they are a SUBSCRIBER of an Email List (thus eligible to receive emails within ShinePages).

If you have set up your checkouts, forms or registration widgets properly from the beginning, they CAN be BOTH Members AND Subscribers upon purchase or sign-up automatically! 

However, if you are adding members manually or did not have things set up from the start, (ie: an email list selected in your Checkout Settings or Registration Widget Settings from the beginning) - you will want to watch the video to see how to update things and make your life easier!   

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