How to Add a Funnel to Your Account

Create a funnel and have it nested under your website or as a totally different standalone funnel

ShinePages Support

Last Update há um ano

IMPORTANT NOTE - before you add a funnel to your account - decide whether you would like the funnel nested under your existing website or whether you want to keep it separate to your website as a standalone funnel.

1) See these 2 article on the difference between the two:

2) How to create your funnel:

- Click on “My Sites & Funnels” on the top left of your page.

- In the “Funnels” window - click on the “+ Create a Funnel” button.

- Select the appropriate Category and browse though the templates by clicking on view. Once you’ve selected your funnel template - click on the “Select” button OR click on the “Empty Funnel” button to start with clear slate.

- Enter your funnel name.

- As a reminder - You will see a Popup with more info on "Nested" and "Standalone" Funnels.

- The template will open automatically - then click on “My Sites & Funnels”

You will see your new funnel listed which is automatically saved as a “Standalone Funnel”. This is made obvious as it has a pink circle next to it.

This is the IMPORTANT stage to take action based on which decision you have made after understanding the difference between standalone and nested funnels on POINT 1) above.

A) If you would like to keep your funnel as a STANDALONE FUNNEL - keep it as is and click to open the funnel. This will open your funnel showing all the steps in the funnel. Then follow steps BELOW: (HOW TO EDIT THE NAME, DOMAIN URL AND LANDING PAGE OF YOUR FUNNEL). 

B) If you would like to NEST THE FUNNEL UNDER YOUR WEBSITE - click on the gear icon to the right of the funnel. 

IMPORTANT - Understanding the difference between standalone and nested funnels on POINT 1) above

- Click on "Move to website in this project"

- Select your website to add the funnel to.

- Click on the “Yes” button to move to website.

- Under “Funnels” - you’ll see your funnel now listed in a different way. It shows your website name with an envelope icon next to it with wording “1 Funnel”. Click on it and then click on your funnel.

- This will open your funnel where you can add or delete steps, settings etc.


- Set your funnel url and page settings. Please see this article: How to Edit the Name & Domain URL and Page Settings of Your Funnel

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