Funnels: "Nested / Inside" your Website or "Outside /Independent" of your Website

The difference between having a "Standalone" independent funnel or one that is "nested" below a "parent" website in your project.

ShinePages Support

Last Update 2 ปีที่แล้ว

TAKE THE "Funnel Quiz: To Nest or Not" HERE

Within your ShinePages account, you have the option of hosting both Websites & Funnels. Your Funnels can either be "independent" of your website as a "Standalone Funnel" OR can be a "nested" below and a part of a "parent" website on your account - (think of these "nested" funnels as being "tucked underneath" the umbrella of your website).

-If you have a Standalone Funnel - it will require it's own separate Domain Name. (you may use the system-provided domain name ie: OR connect a custom domain ie:, - depending on your plan) 

-If you have "nested" your Funnel under a "parent" Website on your project - it can SHARE your website's Domain Name.  (ie:

Note: if you are on the GLOW plan or above you get to have more than one domain connection - and can choose to have Nested Funnels sharing your website domain OR connect a custom domain to them. 

If your Funnel is "Standalone"/independent of your website within your Project - it will have its OWN:

-Global Styling

-Store Products

-Store Orders

-Images & other files in File Manager

-Member Groups and Members




-Email Marketing & Automations

-Website Settings

-Domain Name

If your Funnel is "nested" or "tucked underneath" your "parent" Website - it can still have its own separate domain name - however, it will SHARE the following with your website:

-Header (note: the header can be hidden from the page altogether - or you can use an alternative header if you wish)

-Global Styling

-Store Products

-Store Orders

-Images & other files in File Manager

-Member Groups & Members




-Email Marketing & Automations

-Website Settings

You would move your funnel "in" or "outside of" your website by clicking on "My Websites & Funnels" on the top left of your screen and then click on the gear icon to the right of the funnel.

Then click on "Move to / out website in this project.

Please note that if you move an existing independent funnel into a website in your project you will NOT bring over any Contacts, Images, Files, Members, Member Groups, Products, Orders, Appointments, Tags, Global Styling Fonts or Colors, Email Campaigns or Automation, etc. They will be lost and not recoverable!

Note: We have found that MOST ShinePages users prefer to keep their Funnels "nested" beneath their website - as they want to have ONE place for all their contacts, lists, store products, tags, images, appointments, styling, automations, etc. This also allows you to use one single domain for your website and your funnels if you'd like.

For those with multiple, separate businesses or who maybe working with collab partners on certain offers and want to keep things separate from their primary business - Standalone funnels where everything is separate may work best! 

Please check out these 2 related articles:

How to "Nest" a Funnel under a "parent" Website

Website/Funnel Overview

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