Element Delay

How to display a CTA button or other content AFTER a set amount of time

ShinePages Support

Last Update setahun yang lalu

A popular option when running webinars, masterclasses or trainings is to display a Call to Action button - or even full Blocks of information - only AFTER a certain amount of time has passed. 

This allows your visitors the chance to watch a certain amount the video on the page before you present your offer - or for them to spend a certain amount of time on the page before sharing additional information. 

You can easily set up to "Delay" Blocks of content OR specific elements/widgets on your page using the "Element Delay" feature. 

To Delay an entire Block (or Blocks) of Content: 

In the upper right corner of the Block - click on the small "clock" icon: 

This will open the Element Delay settings window where you can set the delay in Minutes and Seconds: 

To Delay a Specific Widget/Element on the Page: 

Click on the widget itself to reveal the widget's toolbar.  Click on the "animation"/"play button" icon:

This will open the Animation Settings window where you can toggle from "Animation" to "Element Delay" on top - then set the delay in Minutes and Seconds:

Once a block or widget/element has been delayed, it will only display to visitors after they have spent the set  amount of time on the page. 

Please see Related Article below on settings Animations. 

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