Widget Overview: Donation Widget

How to use the Donation Widget to Collect donations from your visitors in set amounts - or allow them to determine their own Donation amount.

ShinePages Support

Last Update há 8 meses

The Donation widget connects directly to either Stripe or Braintree payment processors to collect payments WITHIN the widget and NOT though the store.

- Simply drag the Donation widget onto the page you'd like from the Widgets menu.

- Then click into the “Settings” to set up your payment gateway via Stripe or Braintree. 

- In your setting you can select the following:

1) Allow the visitor to select their own donation amount by CHECKING "The visitors should enter an amount to pay".

2) Set the donation amount to any amount you'd like by UN-CHECKING "The visitors should enter an amount to pay". Then add your "Amount to bill".

Add any additional fields to capture information.

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