Widget Overview: Countdown Widget

You can add the countdown widget to any of your pages to create a sense of urgency for your potential sign-ups / buyers.

ShinePages Support

Last Update 8 bulan yang lalu

- To add the countdown widget to your page - click on the widget button - select the Countdown widget and drag it onto your page.

- Once you’ve added the widget to your page - the settings will open.

This is where you will set your “Countdown Type”, there are 3 options:

1) Countdown to Date

2) Countdown Time
3) Count Number

Here you would also select the following:

- “Reset on each page view” for your visitor or not.

- “When counter ends” - select your preference:

  1. Do Nothing
  2. Go to Page / Show popup - and select the link as per below image
  3. Show message

Click on the paintbrush icon to be able to edit the countdown stying options.

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