How to Import Bulk Contacts as Subscribers and Members
ShinePages Support
Last Update a year ago
To import many contacts as subscribers and ALSO make them MEMBERS of multiple member groups:
1) Add the normal columns name, email, and TAGS etc.
2) Add one column named "Create Member" with the value "y” (lower case) for each person that has at least one membership. The value "Yes" does NOT work since it has a capital Y.
3) Add one column named "MemberGroups" (one word) and in the fields, add the exact (case sensitive) name of each member groups divided only by a comma, no spaces. THESE ARE THE MEBER GROUPS YOU WILL HAVE CREATED IN YOUR CONTACTS AREA ON YOUR SITE.
See below example of this.

- Select the “List” you have created for your Member Import.

- Select the CSV file to upload. Once uploaded - you'll see the fields will now correctly auto-map and import correctly as long as each member group is spelled exactly right. Spaces are allowed in the name but not after the comma.

- Once completed you can head over to CONTACTS and see the members allocated to their respective Member Groups.

- Click on a contact record and you’ll see their “Membership Group”.

- The last step is - to send an email (campaign) out to all of these members with a link to a “Forgot password” page ie. Within your email they will then click through to this page - which will prompt them to enter their email address. (Or see below 2nd Option)

- This will then send a system generated email to their inbox to click through and set their password to access the Member Group Course that you have given them access to.

- 2nd Option (instead of sending them the initial email) is to manually click in the each contact record individually - click on the "Action" button and then on "Reset Member Password". This will take them straight the last step above.