Anchor Points - How to Scroll Down to a Certain Point

Link straight to a certain element / block on your page

ShinePages Support

Last Update 9 เดือนที่แล้ว

You can link to a certain block on a page by adding an anchor point to that block.

Click over the block and then click on the "BLOCK" button in the mini menu tab to access the BLOCK SETTINGS

In the "EDIT CONTAINER SETTINGS" window - check ☑️ "Add Anchor Point" and enter the name of your Anchor Point.

In a Website:

You can then link to that block from any button, link, or menu navigation by going to "Select a Link", then clicking on"Anchor Point", selecting the Page where the anchor is, and then selecting the Anchor Point Name.

In a Funnel:

Instead of choosing "Anchor Point" from the "Select a Link" window - instead choose "Funnel" on the left hand side. Use the "Funnel Step" drop-down to select the Anchor Point. The funnel's anchors are listed below the pages/steps within that Funnel Steps drop-down menu.

To grab the link of the anchor point in your website page to share:

Should you experience and issues with your anchor point, please see this article: Troubleshooting: The Link to my Anchor Point Isn't Working

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