Inviting a Contributor/Team Member to a Website as "Admin"

How to add an "Admin" to your account with access to your builder

ShinePages Support

Last Update a year ago

Once you already have created a website, and now you want to invite someone to have access to certain parts of the website's admin, go to Dashboard > Admins.

You can invite a new person to the website by clicking on Add Admin.

They will be invited only to the website where you invited them to. (Use the "Select" link to choose which websites/funnels)

Select which Function/Functions you'd like them to have access to by clicking the checkmark next to each. (see image below)

An e-mail will be sent with an invitation link where they can register for ShinePages and afterward proceed to your website.

As a website owner, you can always remove someone from the contributors' list.

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