How To Show Videos Within Your Emails

ShinePages Support

Last Update 4 months ago

We don't have the ability to embed an automatically full playable video in an email you send. This is not available (and not supported) as the size of this will affect your email deliverability.

What you CAN do, is create a GIF from your video, and send that in your email. This will play automatically and provide some dynamic motion on the email page and then add a "clickable" link to your full video to watch more. A GIF can be uploaded and added as an image. See more info below.


Upload a thumbnail image to add the "clickable" link to your video.

Once you’ve added the “Thumbnail Image" or “GIF” to your email, you can add the url of your hosted video (Youtube, Vimeo etc.).

Herewith instructions:

Drag the image block into your email.

Select the image or GIF from your file manager, Toggle on the pink button “Link enabled” so that it is checked and then click on the link field.

To send via a link to your video hosted on external site. In the “Select a Link” window, click on "External Link" and paste the url of your video.

To send via a link to a page you have created on your website where the video is embedded. In the “Select a Link” window, click on "Page" - select your “Page Group” and then select your “Page” by clicking on the drop down arrows.


There are a number of platforms that you can use to convert your short video to a GIF. Namely - Canva, Giphy etc.

To add a GIF, you would simply upload the GIF to your File Manager and then select your GIF in the Image widget.

Important to note your GIF should not be longer than 15 seconds and the size should not be higher than 600kb.

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