Add Preview / Pre-header Text To Your Email

ShinePages Support

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Preview / Pre-header Text is the text that appears as a few little lines within the email inbox before you open up the actual email. It is essentially a description of what your recipients can expect in the email next to or underneath the email subject line. This encourages your users to interact with your email. It is used to elaborate on the subject line (as the subject line is limited) with more relevant information and should be about 35 - 40 characters.

While we don’t have a standard “Preview Text” setup, here is a great tip on how to add this to your emails within ShinePages (Add this to YOUR email templates to avoid having to manually add every time):

Drag the text block from the block templates (on the left) in to the top of your email design. Enter your text.

To ensure this doesn't take up much real estate on your email - follow these steps:

Change the size of the font and the height of the line so that it is smaller.

Drag the handles in the block to make it as narrow as possible. Also drag the handle of the block below as far to the top as possible.

Make your text the same colour as the back ground so you can't actually see it. (ie: white text on white background for example).

This will make the text you have added appear as a "preview" in the inbox but won't be visible in the actual body of the email.

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