How to delete a page or funnel step you no longer need

ShinePages Support

Last Update một năm trước

If the template you start with has website pages or funnel steps you don't need you can delete them:

(Note: If you would like to just remove the page from view without deleting it all together - please see this article on ways to do this: How to "Hide" a Page)

To Delete a Page Permanently From your Website:

Go to your Pages Menu (top icon in your left-hand menu - the Pages Menu icon is three stacked lines) hover over the name of the page you want to Delete and click the gear icon (Setting) to the right of the page name. A mini-menu will pop up with the option to Delete. 

To Delete a Step/Page Permanently From your Funnel:

Go to your Funnel Steps view (funnel icon in your left-hand menu) and hover over the name of the step/page you want to Delete and click the gear icon (Setting) to the left of the step/page name. A mini-menu will pop up with the option to Delete. 


If you think you may want to use those unwanted pages/funnel steps later (or any pages later!) We recommend making a backup copy of your entire website or funnel. See this article: How to duplicate or clone a website or funnel to create a backup copy

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