How to organize your website pages into "Page Groups / Folders"

ShinePages Support

Last Update 1 ปีที่แล้ว

If you have a lot of pages or would just like to organize them better, a great way to do this is to create "Page Groups / Folders to arrange your pages. While we don't have the option to move pages up and down in the "PAGES" menu this is a good option. 

Please note that the "PAGES" menu is in the back end of your builder and your visitors don't see this. You would set the navigation for your visitors in the order you want, using the menu widget and rearranging how the menu items/links appear on your site.

To create Page Groups / Folders - click on the pages button in the side menu, then click on the "+ Add New" button and select "Page Group"

In the "Add New Group" window, enter the name of the folder and click on "Add".

Now that you've created your Page Group / Folder. Next to the page / pages you would like to add to this group, click on settings (the gear icon). In the "Edit Page" window, click on the drop down arrow under "Add to Group". Select the group you've created and hit "Save".

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