Trouble-Shooting Text Styling Issues

Fix potential text styling issues on mobile or desktop by tying Headings and Text back to Global Styling

ShinePages Support

Last Update a year ago

If you notice that your text is showing up differently on Mobile (vs. Desktop) or if you are having trouble changing the sizing or spacing of your font on your pages - it may be due to the fact that your text and heading widgets aren't tied to the Global Text Stying settings on your site and/or you did not set up the Text Styling in Global Styling for BOTH Desktop AND Mobile. 



- If you have not BUILT YOUR FOUNDATION by setting the TEXT STYLING under GLOBAL STYLING for BOTH Desktop AND Mobile (see image below)


Follow the Steps in this article: 

Here you will:

-Set your "Paragraph" font (and font spacing/line height) as you wish - for all "Text" widgets across your pages and devices.

-Set your "H1 - H6" fonts and font spacing/line height) as you wish - for all "Heading" widgets across your pages and devices.

Also see this article: 


- If you have made any edits to the styling of the Text or Heading Widgets on your pages using the on-page text-editing toolbar (shown below: to change font choice, font size, font spacing, etc.) you have overridden the Global Styling Settings for that particular widget.  You will notice that the copy in this widget will NOT be affected by changes made to the Global Text Styling settings. 


To RE-SET Text & Heading Widgets BACK - to match Global Text Styling settings - take the following steps: 

1) Highlight the text inside of the Text or Heading widget and from the text editing toolbar - click the "eraser" icon to "Erase" or "Remove Font Styling" (see image and short video below). This will remove your on-page styling edits and re-set the widget back to the Global Text Styling settings. 

2) You can then select the entire Text or Heading Widget (or highlight all text within) and from the text-editing toolbar - use the drop-down "wand" icon to select which Global Text Style you'd like to apply to that widget. 


You can always drag a new Text or Heading widget from your Widget Menu to your page and use keyboard shortcuts to "copy" and "paste" your words into the new widget.  New widgets added to the page are always set to Global Text Styling settings. 


-Text Widgets get added to the page automatically with "Paragraph" Global Text Styling Settings

-Heading Widgets get added to the page automatically with "Heading 2 (H2)" Global Text Styling Settings.  You can then apply your choice of H Styling by using the "wand" icon / drop down menu (as shown above)

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