Previewing Your Site

How to preview your site or funnel's pages, product page, etc.

ShinePages Support

Last Update منذ ٣ أشهر

TO PREVIEW FROM A WEBSITE OR FUNNEL PAGE - click the "eyeball" icon located at the bottom of the list of icons on the left hand side of your Builder screen: 


Click on the "Preview" button on the top right menu tab from within your product set up page.

Then this will open up a window where you can do a "preview" of your site and pages by clicking on the small icons of each of these viewpoint sizes:

1) Desktop View

2) Tablet View
3) Mobile / Phone View

To Preview in your browser:

Click the button to "Show in a new tab" - which will open up your page in a new browser window on your device. 

When you view this tab, you may notice that the URL link is quite long and has the words "Preview Only" included in the string of numbers and letters (as shown below) 

This is an actual live link that you can share with others - however as this is a "Preview link" the page views and visits to this page will not be calculated in your analytics (as collected in Dashboard> Analytics). 

To VIEW your actual LIVE LINK and in non-preview mode - you can simply Grab the URL in the browser by highlighting over everything until before the ?  

COPY this and then PASTE it in a New Tab in your browser. This is the LIVE URL to your site and the views will be tracked in your analytics. 

Note: the example photos above show a website utilizing the provided "system domain" which is formatted as ""  (you can edit the part before "" as you wish under Settings>Domains>System Domain>Change System Subdomain  - see image below)

See this article: How to edit / customize your “System Domain" for your website OR for your funnel.

Anytime you would like to SHARE your "system domain" with others (for example - as you are working on your site, before you have connected your own custom domain or if you are planning to use the provided system domain as your link) you can grab it from your Website or Funnel's Settings > Domains page.

Copy it from the System domain field - and paste it into a URL bar in a new tab in your browser.  This will open up the live link to your site, and automatically turn it into a shareable link (by adding the https:// at the front). All URLS need the https:// at the front in order to open in a browser window.  

See More in this article: - Where to find your Website or Funnel Address / Domain / URL

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