How to take payment for online bookings

Want to charge for an appointment booked on your site? Here's how:

To collect payment for appointments booked online, you will take the following steps:

1) Set up your payment gateway to be able to collect payment online via Stripe, Paypal, or any of our integrated payment gateway partners. (go to STORE tab>Settings>Payments)

2) Create a product (or products) in your STORE tab for the different products/fees you will be charging for your booked services. Ie: "One Hour Coaching Session", "Workshop Registration Fee", "Color Consultation" , etc. You can set these up as "Service" products.

3) Create a Booking Event for the different types of appointments you will offer.

4) Add that Booking Event to a page via a Booking Widget and adjust the Booking Widget settings on the page as necessary. (uncheck "location" under Summary Styling settings if you don't want your zoom link to show publicly)

5) Decide on your flow. Would you like to:

a) Have people pay first - then book their appointment OR

b) Have people book their appointment first - then pay

Note: Based on how you would like people to flow thru the process, you will either set your product "thank you" confirmation page to your booking page - or - you will set your booking appointment "thank you" confirmation page to your product.

Watch the videos below for further instruction: 

How to take payments for online bookings: (watch this video first) 

Next - choose to watch one of the videos below - Option A or Option B:

OPTION A - Have people pay first - then book their appointment

OPTION B - Have people book their appointment first - then pay

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