How to merge multiple projects / websites into one

What to do if you have mistakenly created multiple projects or accounts on ShinePages: merge or delete accounts

ShinePages Support

Last Update setahun yang lalu

Each ShinePages user should have only one "Project" (also referred to as an "Account" on ShinePages) associated with the email address they used to sign up for their ShinePages trial.

A Project/Account can have multiple websites and funnels attached to it - and the number of allowed active websites/funnels per project/account is dictated by the ShinePages plan you choose. (See ShinePages plans and pricing HERE)

However, it can sometimes happen when you inadvertently create multiple projects ("accounts") associated with your email address (see an explanation as to why this happens below*). Each of these projects may have various websites or funnels attached to them.

When this happens, you may wish to MERGE certain websites or funnels into one project, or you may wish to DELETE certain projects/accounts from the platform.


1) While logged into one of your accounts/projects, click on the "Dashboard" link located below the ShinePages logo in the upper left corner of the BUILDER screen. (see below)

2) At the top of the screen, you'll see a link to "Switch Projects" - clicking this will open up a window showing the different projects/account associated with your email address. You can click on each to gain access to that project.

3) Once you are in a project/account you'd like to merge with another - click the "My Sites & Funnels" button at the top of your BUILDER screen. (directly to the right of the ShinePages logo)

4) From your list of Funnels or Websites on that Project - click the gear icon next to the name of the site/funnel to open a mini pop-up menu of options.

5) From this mini-menu of options - select "Move to another project" and select from the list of your projects in the next window. Alternatively, if you simply wish to "Delete" one of the websites/projects, you may do so from this mini-menu as well.

NOTE: If you are "Moving" a website or funnel INTO a Project that is a Paid or Active Project (not a "Trial" project) and that is already at its limit for the number of active websites/funnels allowed - the website or funnel should still transfer to the new project as an "inactive" website or funnel. If it does not automatically do this - you may need to temporarily "make inactive" the websites or funnels that are on the destination project first. Then you should be able to move the new websites/funnels into the project. From there you can set the websites/funnels you'd like as "active" or "inactive" from the mini-menu pop-outs under "My Sites & Funnels"

6) Do this for all websites or funnels you'd like to move/merge from one project to another.

7) Once you have moved all websites/funnels off your duplicate/redundant project - you should be able to fully delete this project under Dashboard > Account - scroll to the bottom and click the link that says "Want to Delete this Account"

*Why are multiple accounts or "projects" created in the first place?

Multiple projects can be created accidentally if you enter your name, email, and password upon seeing the "Registration" window/screen each time - instead of clicking the small link to "Log In" instead. This can often happen accidentally when clicking a "share link" to download a done-for-you template of a website or funnel from someone.

Reminder - Once you have created a ShinePages account by "registering" one time - you should not "register" again by entering your name, email, and password with each share link. (This will create new accounts/projects each time.)

Instead, simply click the small "Login" link to log in with your ShinePages Builder credentials - and allow these templates to be added to an existing project/account of your choice. You will be presented with a window and a choice to add these to your existing project.

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