How to make site Active or Inactive

Websites and Funnels

ShinePages Support

Last Update één jaar geleden

Click on "My Sites & Funnels" on the op left hand side of your screen.


In the window "My Websites & Funnels" select either "Funnels" or "Websites" depending on which you want to make active.

Toggle over the cog/gear icon on the right of the site you want to activate.

Then click on "Make active" in the popup window.


In the window "My Websites & Funnels" select either "Funnels" or "Websites" depending on which you want to make inactive.

Toggle over the cog/gear icon on the right of the site you want to make inactive.

Then click on "Make inactive" in the popup window.

The amount of "ACTIVE" websites and funnels available to you is based on the Pricing Plan you have subscribed for. Please see our Pricing Plans here for your reference:

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