Header & Footer - How to Edit and Hide/Show them

ShinePages Support

Last Update منذ عام واحد


At the top of your page, you will see your header area marked with "HEADER" and an arrow up indicating where the header starts from.

Everything that you add in the Header area will appear on all pages that have the Header enabled.

To hide the footer for the page, simply hover over the header then click on the "HIDE" button. After you've hidden your header and would like to show it again - click on "SHOW".


When you scroll to the bottom of your page, you will see your footer area marked with "FOOTER" and an arrow down indicating where the footer starts from.

Everything that you add in the Footer area will appear on all pages that have the footer enabled.

To hide the footer for the page, simply hover over the header then on the "HIDE" button. After you've hidden your footer and would like to show it again - click on "SHOW".

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