Connect your Godaddy Domain

Instructions on connecting your domain if your purchased from GoDaddy

ShinePages Support

Last Update há 3 dias

Note: Before you connect your domain - always make sure that ONLY the pages you want to show up in Search Results (the ones you want "google to be able to see") have the "Add To Sitemap" option selected in Page Settings > SEO Info. 

Here's a quick guide on how to add the DNS records if your domain is purchased from GoDaddy.

You will see a list of all the domains you have purchased. You want to get to the "DNS Management" or "DNS settings" page of your chosen domain.

There are a few ways to get there - clicking the word "DNS" next to the domain name, clicking the 3 dots next to the box with your domain listed in it and choosing "Manage DNS" OR - clicking the name of your domain from the list of your domains, then scrolling down to the bottom of the page until you see a link that says "Manage DNS".

Once you are on the DNS Management page you will see "Records" at the top. This is where you will be adding the two DNS records from the "red box" area within ShinePages. (see above). 

1) In the record/line with the TYPE of "A" and the NAME of "@" - edit the "value" field to read: (If there is no A record with the @ - click the button to "ADD" a record - choose A from the drop down list, type in @ for the "name" and as the "value)

2) In the record/line with the TYPE of "CNAME" and the NAME of "www" - edit the "value" field to read: "" (insert your actual domain name) (If there is no CNAME record with the www - click the button to "ADD" a record - choose CNAME from the drop down list, type in www for the "name" and as the "value)


There may be more than one CNAME record. Only edit the one with the "www" in the "Name" column.

For this CNAME Field - please type only your domain name as shown. See example:



Again, make sure that there isn't any other A record with "@" in the Name column or any other CNAME record with "www" tin the Name column. 

That's it! If connected properly, you should see your website live shortly!

Please note that it can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours for the DNS changes to propagate throughout the internet. Your website will be down during this time.

*Troubleshooting Tips:

If you have have a website that was previously hosted somewhere else, you may need to first change your NAMESERVERS (below the "records" area) in order to see your DNS Records and make these A and CNAME edits. To do this - simply click the link to "change NameServers" and choose "Default NameServers". Once you do that - you will see the DNS records area that you will need to update, following instructions above.

Also - If you have forwarded your website at any time (below and to the right of the NameServers area on the page) - you will need to delete or remove any forwarding in order to see your DNS records properly. Remove or delete any "forwarding" by clicking the edit or trash can icon.

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